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10 Underrated Linux commands

190 words1 min read

Linux has tons of nifty commands, here's 10 super heroic Linux commands that you probably need to add to your toolbox.

  1. Redo last command but with sudo

sudo !!

  1. Open an editor to run a command


  1. Create a super fast ram disk
mkdir -p /mnt/ram

mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/ram -o size=8192M
  1. Messed up a long command?

fc will open up your last command in editor.

  1. netstat: command not found ?

ss Socket statistics, a substitue of netstat

  1. Quickly create folders
mkdir -p folder/{sub1,sub2}/{sub1,sub2,sub3}

mkdir -p folder/{1..100}/{1..100}

Also works with number ranges

  1. Intercept stdout and log to file
cat file | tee -a log | cat > /dev/null
  1. Solve simple mathematical calculations from terminal


expr 2 + 2

  1. Want to know history of last logged in users?

last This command comes to rescue here

  1. exit terminal but leave all processes running

disown -a && exit

Bonus : python -m http.server

Creates a simple web page for the current working directory over port 8000.